Wil Thomas
Six Strings & a Story...
"Wil Thomas,
What a lyric writer... Did my head in."
Tim Rogers, 'YOU AM I'
New Album, out now
"Jackdaws fly over old oak trees, where minstrels fear to tread. The green grass of home is cold underfoot and the mountain will tremble overhead..."
'The Riding Light'
Hit the link, hear the music
"I can see by the way you're sweatin', you gave it your all...."
Harry Manx
The long-awaited 3rd album is out now on all platforms and available at select record stores around WA.
Launched at Nannup Music Festival In March 2023 and Played to a capacity crowd over 3 days, the album has now taken flight.
July saw the second launch of the album in Broome Western Australia to a sold-out room at the Broome Convention Centre and featuring the band who recorded on the album.
Recorded over 3 years, the collection of works is an embodiment of stories in song... The sea is the canvas and the road, the mountain the backdrop and the destination. Both featuring metaphorically throughout the journey of the album.
History and legend feature throughout, with tales of Celtic lore going back 500 years, to the colonial injustice of Australian settlement and the story of Australia's first proclaimed 'Outlaw' - 'Ben hall', the second single released from the album.
So much more here to tell, but best you have a listen for yourselves!
Available via hard copy ( message us ) and all the streaming services you connect with...
~~~ Ben Hall ~~~
The second single from The Riding Light ; 'Ben Hall', is now out and has been made into film, by the renowned filmmaker- Mark Jones.
Click the link to watch it on YouTube
'Barret's Privateers'
Filmed live at the album launch of 'The Riding Light'.
Featuring; Wil Thomas, Dave Mann, Phoebe Corke, Bex Youdale, TanyaRansom, Arnhem Hunter, Albert Gray, Tilly Kay...
The Stan Rogers true tale of yore. Taking it away from its original format here and giving it a nod towards 'Weddings Parties Anything' circa, 'The Old Melbourne Hotel' back in the day...
A tribute to Chris Bailey, with a reworking of his song 'Shipwreck'
Live at the 'Riding Light' album launch.
We're heading South for a run of shows in November. This one will be a highlight! Featuring the Riding Light album launch band. 10, 11, 12 November in Bridgetown W.A. The full Riding light band will be there.
~ Biography ~
Wil Thomas is a journeyman and a storyteller, a laconic troubadour and the kind of artist you yearn to have at your campfire…
Thomas' quest for the ‘story in song’ is passionate and single-minded. His sophomore album ; ‘Provenance’ was nominated for an Australian music prize, while 2023 has seen the release of his 3rd album ‘The Riding Light’. Debuting at the acclaimed Nannup Music Festival in March and launching in Broome in August, along with the film clip to the second single from the album, Ben Hall. With his tales of Bush Rangers and modern-day political gangsters, Thomas sings of redemption, love and revolution. Weaving stories from a stormy Celtic coastline all the way to the blood-red dirt of the Kimberley. Drawing from a melting pot of influences, from Dylan Thomas to Led Zeppelin, he has worked with artists including Shane Howard, The Pigram Brothers, Missy Higgins and John Butler and epitomises all there is to love about raw, and relevant Australian music…
Northwest Festival August 2021 'Tanya Ransom'
Link to Soundcloud
Hear the sound...Wil Thomas music...Upcoming Shows
January 21 ~ Settlers Tavern Margaret River- solo
2nd February ~ Clancys Fremantle/ Dave Mann Collective+ Wil Thomas
3rd February Settlers Tavern - Dave Mann Collective+ Wil Thomas
4th Feb Clancys Dunsborough -Dave Mann Collective+ Wil Thomas
9th Feb Gatsby Skyline- Dave Mann Collective+ Wil Thomas
10th Feb- Frothcraft Bunbury- Dave Mann Collective+ Wil Thomas
14th February- Honky Tonk Blues Bar Fremantle WA- Solo
18th February - Brewhouse Margaret River - Solo
24 The Marri Tree, Witchcliffe - Double headline- Wil Thomas & Dave Mann
25th- The River Margaret River- Solo
10th March Duke of George Femantle ( details pending)
5-7 April - Fairbridge festival 'Wil Thomas & the Riding Light'
November 19th~ Circle of Trees festival, Denmark W.A.
November 10, 12, 13~ Bridgetown Blues festival, with full band.
November 5th ~ Fremantle Folk Festival- Special Guest Phoebe Corke
November 1st~ Songwriters Cafe, Moore and Moore building, Fremantle W.A.
October 28 ~ Lyric Laneway Maylands, W.A.
September 26th- October 8th Residency @ 'Lake Argyle Resort Kununurra'
September 4th Guest speaker 'Lil Vocal' at 'Lil Local' Broome, W.A.
July 29 ~The Riding Light Album Launch Broome Convention Centre
July 13~ Solo @ the Courthouse, Broome W.A.
January 12~ Rodneys Bait and tackle, Perth W.A
January 15~ The River, Margaret River, W.A. With Tanya Ransom
February 5th Brewhouse Margaret river
February 11th - Denmark Arts house Denmark W.A with Tanya Ransom
February 16th ~ Kidogo Art House, Fremantle, W.A
February 19~ The River, Margaret River
February 26~ Settlers Tavern Margaret River
March 3,4,5~ Nannup Music Festival Nannup, W.A. 'Riding Light ' album Launch
March 18 Frothcraft Bunbury, W.A. With Tanya Ransom
March 19~ Clancy's Dunsborough with Tanya Ransom
March 25th~ With The Nomadics, Tanya Ransom. Bridgetown, W.A
26 August ~ Newport Boat club Pembrokeshire, Wales
20 September ~ Mangrove Hotel Broome, W.A
23 September ~ Mangrove Hotel Broome, W.A
29 Sepembet ~ Budha Sanctuary Broome, W.A
( With Guy Ghouse & Gina Willimas)
4th October~ Solo mangrove Hotel, Broome W.A
6th October ~ Matsos Broome. With Tanya ransom
11~ 13 October ~ 'Strings attached' guitar festival, Margaret River
14th October- Froth craft Bunbury ~ Duo with Tanya ransom
16th October - The River, Margaret River ~ Special Guest Dave Mann
"Loved every song on 'Provenance.' Its clear we share the same influences..!"
Wil Thomas & Guy Ghouse, 'Nannup Main stage'
"Nothing's changed. Im sick of it. Aren't you sick of it? I didn't write this song for nothing, you know!"
Paul Boon on the 'Yidaki', With the maestro, Shane Howard and special guest, Allan Pigram, Wil Thomas ~ 'Solid Rock'
© 2017